fredag 17 september 2010

Uppvisning på Bondens Dag

Här har det inte bloggats så flitigt på sistånde.

Har varit dålig om vart annat och när kroppen väl har sagt OK så har det fullkomligt spöat ner.
Lusten att valla har änna försvunnit lite då.

Men men ….

Helgen den 4-5 september var det fullt upp.
Det var dags för den årliga marknaden ’Bondens Dag’ på Backamo.

Så fantastiskt roligt vi hade.
Det var inte några långa stunder man hann parkera ändan inte.

En gång i timman hade vi vallningsuppvisning och däremellan så stod jag med min Noni-kumpan, Marie, vid vårat bord.
Sån tur jag hade att hon var med. Det hade aldrig funkat annars.

Hur gick uppvisningarna då? Jo, det ska jag tala om.

Roland skötte jobbet som speaker OCH vallade på lördagen. Jag och Svante var de enda som vallade båda dagarna. På lördagen hade vi hjälp av Ronny och Camilla, på söndagen var Ann-Britt och Björn med.

Hundarna gick riktigt bra.
Kate chockade oss genom att sköta sig ypperligt.

INGA dumheter mot andra hundar. Mellan uppvisningarna låg hon snällt i tältet och antingen sov eller tittade på folk som gick förbi.
Inte var det nåt att klaga på under vallningsbiten heller. Hon gick som en klocka och det var Definitivt inget fel på hennes hämt. Det enda hon behövde få lite stöttning med var i fållan. Det var en enveten tacka som utmanade varenda hund och direkt hon märkte att en hund tvekade så såg hon sin chans, Och tog den. Då var det bara att gå med in i fållan och stötta tills djuren var ute.

Kate gjorde till och med ett lite knivigt hämt som jag verkligen inte trodde att hon skulle fixa.
Tji fick jag!
Fåren låg och vilade i den övre delen av hagen. Där vid staketet var det skugga. Solen sken hela helgen så det blev lite varmt.
Närmast staketet låg tidigare nämnd tacka.
Eftersom Kätan har en tendens att 'crossa' för att byta håll så var detta ett tillfälle jag trodde att det skulle ske.
Jag skickade höger och hon vidgade hämtet och fortsatte längsmed staketet. Det var när hon var nästan ända framme som jag trodde att crossen skulle komma men hon fortsatte och gick snyggt upp bakom dem. Tackan blev nog lite chockad när hunden inte vek av för hon for upp och lade snabbt in backen och följde resten av flocken.

Efter de två dagarna så gick jag och la mig med världens dumflin på läpparna. Hahaha

Nä, nu ska jag kolla till Bengt igen.
När han kom in i morse såg jag att allt inte stod rätt till. Han är hel men han har nog fått en jäkla smäll. Antingen har han blivit påkörd eller så har han varit och ströket sig mot hästarna igen och lyckats bli sparkad.
Bakvagnen vill inte riktigt hänga med. Veterinären bad mig avvakta då han visat en väldig aptit. Han har varit uppe och ätit flera gånger.
Dumme katt som blir skadad. Han borde ha vett att hålla sig i skinnet. Är man mattes prins så ska han bara vara en gosekatt.
Men det är klart. Hade han bara varit en gosekatt så hade han inte varit min Bengt.

Min fårvallande älskade prins.
Alla rävars skräck.

torsdag 2 september 2010

Why did I start with TNI?

Do I recomend this?
A friend of mine, Marie, has been talking about it for a couple of years. Every time she started to talk about it I suddenly became deaf.

I didn’t want to listen, I wasn’t interested.
She stopped talking about it.

For some time ago she started again. They were going to have a meeting out here on the countryside. Since it was walking distance for me I felt that ‘FINE, I will come and listen but I’m not interested’.

And there I was, listening to Henrik while he explained how everything works and what it was that was SO fantastic about this drink.

As the sceptic I am I said that I had to think about this.
Everything sounded great but I’m that kind of person that have to try something myself before I decide if I want to tell people about it.

I bought several bottles to test at home. One for me and my brother, one for Embla and Dumdum and one for Kate.

Honestly I didn’t think it would work at all. How could on drink give you so much? Energy, better health, etc.

I have chronic vitamin deficiency, almost no immune system, and a lot more problems that goes hand in hand with my illness.

For me it worked better then I could dream about. I sleep much better (Without pills), my immune system is like before but my vitamin deficiency is better. It will never be totally ok But it is much better.
When my doctor saw the test result he asked me what I had changed in my diet. My results had never been like this before.
At first I didn’t know what he was talking about but in the evening when I took my ‘drink’ I realized that it was the Noni. That was the only thing that was different in my diet.

How did it go for my brother and the dogs?

Well, my brother and Kate should have lived in their own plastic bubbles or something. Something must have been wrong in their stomachs. There must have been something that had crawled up and died in them!
They used to fart so badly that me and the other two dogs had to escape from the office.

Kate’s pH value was really off but now she is fine. The vet was really surprised when she saw the result.
Her fur is so shiny now, Kate’s, not the vet’s.
Dumdum has, for the first time in his life gained in weight. He even has a little to much around his belly. Not my opinion, my moms.

And Embla, she is twelve years old, has given birth to three litters, raised two litters of kittens and she behaves like she’s not one day older than 5 years.
She still run around with my Border collies and she can tag along for hours on a walk in the woods.

All three dogs and my brother and me have more energy.
The dogs furs are shiny and smooth.
Dumdum now works every day again (he is 11 years old). Kate can work 15 – 20 minutes more without being tired. That is really much for a working dog.
We don’t have to escape from the office anymore when my brother and Kate starts to, hmm, you know. ;-)

I have definetly NO plans of stop drinking the Noni. Even my brother has decided to keep on drinking it (thanks for that).

The dogs love it. If I forget to put Noni on their food, Kate opens the fridge (yea, she knows how to do that) and starts to bite on her bottle.

The drinks are not for free to begin with but luckily you can drink them AND make money on them. This is perfect for me. I’m on sick leave so there is no big income here. Now the drinks that we use per month are free And we get a few bucks on the account.=)

Me and my brother drinks Family (Mango el. Grape)
Embla and Dumdum - Original
Kate - Extra

The best about this drink / company is that it doesn't matter where in the world you live. As long as TNI exists in that country, you can get it.

If you want to know more about it go into my store. (link, up to the right on this blog) There you can reed about it and if you are interested to know even more it is easy to contact me.

onsdag 1 september 2010

No herding today...

For two days ago I was at the hospital in Gothenburg.

I was there to do a bone marrowtest. I've done this before so I knew how much it would hurt after, when the anaesthesia stopped working.

Even when I know how much it hurts it still surprices me.
I'm gonna stay in bed today to so no herding.
Hopefully tomorrow.