onsdag 21 juli 2010

Nothing is TO easy when you have animals...

I´ve been sick for over two weeks now. (Again. Tired of being sick and tired.)
Nothing happends in this house when I get sick.
With three dogs, three cats and three birds in the house, it gets messy. They (read, the dogs) drag in lots and lots of dirt but they don´t clean up after themself.
Today I had a little more energy so I started to clean my livingroom. My house was not clean like in my dream.
To bitches in heat that don´t clean up the blood gives the floors hundreds of red spots. Even the Walls had red spots. I don´t know how they do it.?.

Today my kitten, Kurt, decided that he wasn´t afraid of the vaccum anymore so he started to be in my way.
When i finally got him out of the room, the next animal came in. It was Dumdum. He saw that I moved his toys and must have thought that I was gonna throw them out or something. He jumped over the couch and almost knocked me over to get one of his toys. It´s a disgusting smelly thing that he loves. I want to throw it out but I don´t have the heart to do it.
Today, on the other hand, he was close to get kicked out thru the door with his toy. 11 year Old dogs are suposed to be calm and gentle and don´t act like they are pups.

I told him to get out or I would clean him with the mop.

Around a minute later Kate came in with Dumdum´s toy. The toy he just fetched.
Before I blinked he came running after her like a tornado and he was not happy.

When trying to force her to let go of his digusting toy, he knocked over the bucket with water that I just carried in to mop the floors with.

Now I was mad as I don´t know what.

The dogs stood there, looking like they had nothing to do with the reason that made me furious.

I had water all over the floor, a kitten jumping from the wet floor up in the couch, two dogs standing on the really wet floor and now starts to fight again.
The thoughts that went thrue my head was not nice.

I yelled at the dogs to stop before I took one of them and hit the other one with it.
I know that they have a little bit to much energy built up inside since I have been sick and they have not worked for almost two weeks, but enough is enough.

The dogs left the room and went out to the kitchen.
With no fourlegged creatures in the way The job was quickly done.

When I was done I just sat down and gasped for air.
I´m gonna go to bed now and close the door to the bedroom so none of the animals can come in. Just me calming down so I can wake up happy tomorrow.(and 11 year old BC´s)

fredag 16 juli 2010

Eveningtraining in Rabbalshede...

On wednesday we went to Kate´s breeder in Rabbalshede.

In our localclub we have eveningtrainings at some of our members farms. It is perfect. We have a chans to practise on different kind of sheep.
Rabbalshede is about 5 mil (50km) north from where I live.

You can see here on the map.
When we arrived, Christina and Zero were out in the paddock. Zero is a young dog and as all young dogs he sometimes do things that he is not supposed to.

Ronny (Kate´s breeder) helped them. He is in the pen with the sheep.
Christina´s other dog, Sonja. She is an old lady. I think she is 10-11 years old.Here are some of the people and dogs that participated this evening.
From the left: Björn with Jess and Bonus, Ann-Britt, Lena with Zorro and Per with Zero.And one of my favorit dogs were there to.
This is Toddie and his owner Roland.
I think this dog is gorgeous.Zorro didn´t want to be in the picture so he closed his eyes.
He is so cute.There are no pictures of me and Kate but i am gonna tell you how it went.

When we walked in to the paddock I saw that the sheep had divided into three gruops. They were not far from eachother so I hoped that Kate would get them all in one big sweep.
She didn´t.
In the outrun she, as usuall, started to turn in to close to the sheep instead of holding out and end up straight behind them.
She went straight in and picked up the first group. When I told her to get back and fetch the rest she surpriced me by actually doing it.

She came down to me with all the sheep and I let her drive them behind me in circles and through some gates.
Her drive behind me has never been a problem. She does them really well. If she gets to close and the sheep starts to run she stops and don´t start to walk until they are calm again.

Her drive away from me has really started to be great. She can now drive them about a 100m away from me and also take them in different directions.

To get the sheep into the pen was easy. She is really good there. She has patience and wait them out till she get them in nice and calm.
We even tried to divide the group in two. It started as an accident. The sheep were not suposed to split up but when they did I cald in Kate to me and sent her after one of the groups.
She did that perfect.
The second time I split the group in two, she came in on the exact right time and took one of the groups and held them perfect.
She even did it correct inspite that I were showing her the wrong way and told her the right one.

She was great, my princess.

Next week we are going on an eveningtraining on Orust.
Orust is the largest island on the swedish westcoast.

söndag 11 juli 2010

The fence works!!!

I´ve told earlier about my war against The Houdinigang.

The day before yesterday we checked the power on the fence.
I´ve already tried it before without the 'testingthing'. I had shorts on and when I stepped over the fence I touched the string with the inside of my thigh.
I think every hair on my body stood straight out.

It was/are a lot of power in that fence.

When we saw the numbers we had to look twice.
We have never had more than half of that before.
No wonder it hurts like hell to touch it.

I am still not well from the flu but I felt that I had to go outside today.
I brougth the dogs and walked up to the pen where the sheep are. Since I hadn´t seen them for two days I wanted to round them up to se that everything was ok with them.

I couldn´t see Kate so I called for Dumdum instead. He came down to me but he refused to go into the pen.
I tried to convince him that nothing was gonna happen and that I had pulled away the fence for him.
He refused.
I got tired of standing there with that stubborn dog so I yelled for Kate. She came down but when it was time to go in to the pen she hasitated.

I finally got her in and when she was in she gladely rounded up the sheep for me.
Every thing was fine with the Houdinigang. Since we were allready in there I thought that we could work a little. We have to prepare a little bit til wednesday. We are going to Kate´s breeder and it would be nice to show him that she isn´t the BITCH she was last year.

Everything was working fine until I told her to go left.

WHAT THE....?????

She tried to round me and go right instead and when I stopped her she tried to run away.

It took me a couple of seconds to figure out what was wrong.

When I told her to go left she had to go between the fence and the sheep. It was like three meters between them but she was to scared of the fence to go in.
I went in with her behind me and when she saw that it was ok she finally ran in.

It was a sight when I told her that she was done. I have never seen her run that fast before. Under the fence and WOOOOSCH!!!!!
She was out. hahaha
Dumdum to the left and Kate.

lördag 10 juli 2010

I´m going back to bed...

Today is not a day for working with the dogs.

First of all, it is HOT as hell both in and outdoors.

The other thing... Well, lets just say, i´m at first name basis with my toilet.

It is not a nice thing to have stomach flu when it is 35 degrees outside (in the shade) And indoors.
The good thing with the heat is that the dogs stay calm, even old Dumdum.

I´m on my way back to bed now.

I´m very happy that I don´t have eyes on the back of my head. This is probably the view I would have.

I have to recommend this...

There is one thing that I have to recommend.

Tahitian Noni

For a healthy lifestyle.
This is a fruit that is full of Iridoider, Manganese, Antioxidants and much much more.

There is several drinks ti choose from.

This one is the Original and the most popular one.

I have this one for the dogs and cats. Personelly I don´t like the taste this one. For me it taste like *uelk*...
... I drink this one, Grape (purple), instead.

We even have Equine Essentials that is specifically designed for horses.
This one, FLEX, is for older horses and Working horses. Horses that need a little extra.
Glucosamine is often nessecery for older horses.
Not only is it the perfect way to get a healthier life you can even make money by drinking it. That is a good thing because we use A LOT in this household.

If you are interested in knowing more about it, go in on my website.
Click here .
Everybody should drink this Juice.

When you are there, click on the button Tahitian Noni. You can read a little about it there and if you click on one of the bottles you go in to the Store.
There you can read a lot about everything.

Since I started with Noni both me and my dogs are feeling much better. We have more energy, my stomach is working so much better, the dogs furs shine more, my hair (not so much ;-)), I sleep better and Kate, she has finally started to get some more meat on her bones. ;-)

fredag 9 juli 2010

Ny mässa om välbefinnande i Augusti...

Sprid gärna denna informationen till alla du känner.

Välbefinnande för både människa, hund och häst.

Klicka på bilden för att läsa mer.
Click on the image to read more.

If you are in Sweden August 7-8, this is something you have to visit.

torsdag 8 juli 2010

Haha, jag vann... / I won...

För en vecka sedan förklarade jag krig mot fåren.
De förbannade Houdinifåren gjorde inget annat än rymde. De tittade hånande på mig och sprang sen åt andra hållet.
Var det fårnät så hoppade de över. Nu hade jag satt upp elstängsel.
De upptäckte snabbt att om de sprang fort nog igenom det så hann de inte få nån stöt.
Kate och jag jobbade hårt på att få tillbaka fåren där de skulle vara men det var inte lätt.

Gamle Bamse som jag tagit med som hjälp gjorde jobbet svårare än nödvändigt. Förmodligen tog han ut sin hämnd på mig för att han inte får jobba så mycket längre.
Han sprang runt som en galning för att 'fixa' tillbaka fåren som han ville.
Naturligtvis var det inte så som jag och Kate hade tänkt.Det slutade i totalt kaos. Men så i måndags kom vi fram till att nu fick det jävlar i mig vara slut på dumheterna.
Jag och Moa letade fram en kedja och en massa hässjetråd.

Kate vallade in fåren i en fålla som vi gjort mellan två av mams hönshus. Nu skötte sig t.o.m Bamse. Han låg vid ena grinden och parrerade medans Kate låg vid den andra. Nu vågade inte fårskrällena hoppa.

Jag fångade in djuren ett och ett. Tog kedjan och satte runt halsen på den äldre tackan. Det är hon som är ledaren i flocken och den som drar.

De andra fick en ståltråd runt halsen. Det blev som en antenn.

Vi släppte ut dem i hagen igen. Naturligtvis försökte de rymma igen men denna gången small det ordentligt.
Det var som att titta på den gamla Batmanserien som gick på TV´n för åratal sen.

*=()/&%POW BANG SMOCK*=()/¤%

Så fort de gick fram till stängslet hamnade ståltråden mot och de fick sig en rejäl smäll.

De är fortfarande kvar i hagen.

Jenny 1 - 0 Fåren
For about a week ago I declared war against my sheep.

The damned Houdinisheep didn´t do anything else but brake out from the pen. They looked at me and ran the other way.

When there was a net fence they jumped. Now I had put up an electricfence.
It didn´t take them long to realize that if they ran fast enough nothing would happend.

Kate and I worked hard to get them back where they should be, but it wasn´t easy.
I had brought old Bamse (Dumdum) with us so it would be easyer. Boy, was I wrong!

He probably took out his revange on me for not letting him work as much anymore. He ran around like crazy to get the sheep back in 'his way'. It was not the way I & Kate had planned.

It ended up in total chaos.

But on monday we said, me and Moa (my niece), that enough is enough. (we had a much moore colourful language ;-))

We found a chain and lots of wire.

Kate ran after the sheep and herded (waxing, hihi) them in to a small pen that we threw together between two of my mums chickencoops. We placed the dogs on each end så the f....ng sheep wouldn´t jump over. (yea, I was mad)

I cought first the oldest sheep. She´s the leader of the pack. I took the chain and put it around her neck.

After she was done the rest of the sheep got wire around their necks. They all had like antennas behind their ears.

We took them back to their pen again and of course, they tried to run away again.
It was like looking at the old Batmanseries that was on TV years ago.

*=()/&%¤POW BANG SMOCK*)/(&¤%#
They didn´t know what hit´em.

They are still on the right side of the fence.

Jenny 1 - 0 Sheep

Hemsidan uppdaterad...

Hemsidan är nu, efter mycket om och men, uppdaterad.

Det finns en ny knapp på den också.
'Tahitian Noni' står det på den.
Där finns produkter för dig, din hund och din häst.
Vad som behövs för en sundare kropp.
Gå gärna in och ta en kik.
(klicka på bilden)

Välkommen in.