lördag 10 juli 2010

I have to recommend this...

There is one thing that I have to recommend.

Tahitian Noni

For a healthy lifestyle.
This is a fruit that is full of Iridoider, Manganese, Antioxidants and much much more.

There is several drinks ti choose from.

This one is the Original and the most popular one.

I have this one for the dogs and cats. Personelly I don´t like the taste this one. For me it taste like *uelk*...
... I drink this one, Grape (purple), instead.

We even have Equine Essentials that is specifically designed for horses.
This one, FLEX, is for older horses and Working horses. Horses that need a little extra.
Glucosamine is often nessecery for older horses.
Not only is it the perfect way to get a healthier life you can even make money by drinking it. That is a good thing because we use A LOT in this household.

If you are interested in knowing more about it, go in on my website.
Click here .
Everybody should drink this Juice.

When you are there, click on the button Tahitian Noni. You can read a little about it there and if you click on one of the bottles you go in to the Store.
There you can read a lot about everything.

Since I started with Noni both me and my dogs are feeling much better. We have more energy, my stomach is working so much better, the dogs furs shine more, my hair (not so much ;-)), I sleep better and Kate, she has finally started to get some more meat on her bones. ;-)

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